Well done! You've made it through the first Module of the Course, and I think it's one of the most important!
Why? Homemade Mexican Salsas are so rich in flavor that you can build dishes around the Salsa itself. And if you get comfortable making the Salsas then you'll always have the option of whipping up some home-cooked deliciousness.
We'll get to options like that in future Modules, but for now I hope that you've found a favorite amongst these Salsas. They are super easy to make and they'll instantly upgrade your kitchen.
And now here's your first Quiz! The Quizzes will reinforce all the key points of the Module and you'll also have the option of ranking the Module recipes. The recipe that appeals to you most is your homework for the Module; try to make it before continuing on to the next Module.
Be sure to click 'Finish Quiz' at the bottom of this page when you're finished answering the questions. You'll get to see the quiz results and you can click 'View Questions' if you want to see the correct answers.