Beef nachos have the potential to become Hollywood's next superhero: they're handsome (at least right out of the oven), they know the difference between right and wrong (cheese must be melted but not burned), and they have a superhuman ability to save your day when it's on the verge of apocalyptic destruction (nachos for dinner?!). Sturdy tortilla...
Archives for February 2017
Authentic Mexican Entrees
Ready for a kitchen swap? These 17 authentic Mexican entrees are the equivalent of snapping your fingers and replacing your humdrum kitchen with a cooking space that's bursting with fresh ingredients, exotic aromas and wait a second is that really cooking on MY stove... Scan through this list of Mexican entrees and you'll be instantly swapped. Mark...
Tomatillo Chipotle Salsa
Blue and yellow make green. Yin and Yang make life. Tomatillo and Chipotle make…..magic? It's difficult to peg how so much goodness can come from so little in this Tomatillo Chipotle Salsa, but instead of trying to figure out how it happens we are better off just eating it. How To Make Tomatillo Chipotle Salsa...