You're on the verge of completing the Authentic Mexican Cooking Course. Well done!
Before you take the Final Quiz I want to thank you for letting me share my Mexican Cooking journey with you. I hope you have some new favorite recipes! I want your Mexican kitchen transformation to be the real deal, so if there's anything on your mind feel free to get in touch. You can always use the Contact tab on the top menu bar of Mexican Please to send me an email.
Don't forget, you'll always have access to the main Course page, using this link:
Authentic Mexican Cooking Course
That will be the easiest way to return to the Modules and try out any recipes that you haven't made yet.
Home-cooked Mexican food has brought so much joy to my life and I hope you're starting to feel the same way about it!
I'm always trying to improve the Course. In the Quiz below there will a question where you can leave feedback on any areas you think I can improve. Your comments are much appreciated.
But for now, it's time to say Adios! It's been a treat sharing everything I've learned in my Mexican food odyssey with you -- I hope your own journey is filled with memorable family meals, tasty get-togethers with the best of friends, and a bottomless well of good eats to choose from.
And now it's time for your final Quiz! After answering these questions and clicking 'Finish Quiz' you will officially be done with the Course! But before clicking 'Finish Quiz', give yourself a virtual pat on the back. You stuck with it and now it's time to reap the benefits -- your stomach thanks you in advance!
Congratulations on your persistence!